Prushkivskyi V.H., Prushkivska O.V.
The characteristic features of development of the consumer market of Ukraine in the post-crisis period
D. Sukhinin
The conceptual model of integrated management of municipal services quality providing
M. Yaseva
The intellectual and informational product pricing
Wolowiec T., Cienkowski M.
Taxation and theories of equity
Petrenko I. P.
Dualistic approach to the economic nature of investment capital determining
O. Lutsiv
Natural resources capitalization peculiarities in Ukraine
I. Tyvanyuk
Organization of accounting using the fair value
Ye. Polishchuk
Banks in providing investment attractiveness of the regions
T. Lepeyko, D. Kipa
The mechanism of formation of the competitive strategy of the enterprise
H. Parshina
Forming of evaluating methodology for staff potential development strategy of enterprise
B.-P. Koshovyi
Demotivation of work as especial variant of threats to economic security of a private higher educational institution
T. Kaynova
Marketing of region as a factor of economic growth
V. Bondarenko, M. Rjabak, S. Sember
Evaluation the regional programs of support businesses in the transcarpathian region
S. Grushevsky, N. Klimovich
Some approaches of management of innovative activity on the basis of investment projects
N. Gruschynska
Economic diplomacy in modern geo-economic processes of formation of world order
A. Zadoia, E. Limonova
Regulation of TNCs activity: level of state
A. Tyshchenko, T. Korolyuk
North-eastern cross-border cooperation of Ukraine: expectations and realities
V. Shvets
MNC’s activity in Ukraine: mechanism of legal regulation
Iu. Khvatov
Converting of yuan into reserve currency: problems and prospects
K. Vorobiova
The interrelation between macroeconomic currency risks and main factors of exhange rate establishing in Ukraine