Academy Review                      


of the Higher Educational Institution “Alfred Nobel University”


1.1. The Editorial Council is a permanently functioning collegial advisory body of the Higher Educational Institution “Alfred Nobel University” (hereinafter referred to as the University) on publishing matters, in particular the activities of academic journals founded and published by the University.

1.2. The composition of the Editorial Council is determined by a resolution of the Academic Council of the University for a term of five years and is approved by the Rector’s order. The Editorial Council is dissolved by the Rector’s order within five working days from the expiration of the term of office of the previous composition.

1.3. The Editorial Council is established to coordinate the publishing of educational and academic literature, develop and improve editorial and publishing activities at the University, ensure the high quality of the published literature, and support the publishing activities and innovative design processes in the creation, development and improvement of publishing products.

1.4. The Editorial Council carries out its activities in accordance with the Laws of Ukraine ‘On Publishing’, ‘On Media’, ‘On Information’, ‘On Scientific and Technical Expert Review’, ‘On Copyright and Related Rights’, ‘On Ensuring the Functioning of the Ukrainian Language as the State Language’, ‘On Education’, ‘On Higher Education’, ‘On Scientific and Technical Activities’, other regulatory acts of Ukraine in the field of education and science, the Statute of the Higher Educational Institution “Alfred Nobel University”, orders and directives of the Rector of the University and this Regulation. The Editorial Council adheres to the principles of publication ethics accepted by the international community, as reflected in the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).


2.1. The main functions of the University’s Editorial Council are:

- to review issues related to the University’s activities as a publishing organisation;

- to control the quality of the University’s publishing products (academic journals and academic, educational and methodological publications) and ensure their compliance with current legislative requirements;

- to ensure an appropriate level of content, academic, educational and methodological review for the prepared upcoming issues of academic journals and academic, educational and methodological publications of the University;

- to approve the results of academic and methodological reviews of the prepared upcoming issues of academic journals and academic, educational and methodological publications of the University;

- to develop the University’s publishing policy and determine publishing priorities;

- to review issues related to the academic journal’s activities (establishment, termination, distribution);

- to review and propose candidates for the chairs and members of editorial boards of academic journals for approval by the Academic Council;

- to coordinate the work of the editorial boards of the University’s academic journals;

- to coordinate the work of the Commission on Publication Ethics;

- to approve or annul decisions of the Commission on Publications Ethics regarding complaints and appeals related to the academic quality of articles, rejection of articles, review procedures (peer review, review time, etc.) and the conduct of authors, reviewers, editors-in-chief, etc.;

- to approve or annul decisions of the Commission on Publications Ethics regarding article retraction (removal) and the elimination of publication ethics violations (e.g., fabricated data in a submitted manuscript, undisclosed conflicts of interest in a manuscript, plagiarism, suspected false co-authorship, fictitious authorship, attribution of the author’s idea or data by a reviewer, etc.);

- to coordinate the University’s cooperation with higher education institutions, publishing houses and other organisations regarding the implementation of publishing projects;

- to generalise and disseminate the publishing experience of Ukrainian universities;

- to prepare conclusions and recommendations for the Academic Council of the University.


3.1. The activities of the Editorial Council are organised by its Chair.

3.2. The Chair of the Editorial Council is the Rector of the University.

3.3. The composition of the Editorial Council is approved by the Academic Council of the University upon the proposal of the Chair of the Editorial Council.

3.4. The composition of the Editorial Council is formed from among the most qualified lecturers and esteemed scholars of the University on the basis of voluntary participation.

3.5. The composition of the Editorial Council must include the Vice-Rector for Research and International Cooperation, the chairs of the editorial boards of the University’s academic journals and a representative of the Commission on Publication Ethics.

3.6. The organisational structure of the Editorial Council consists of the Chair of the Editorial Council, the Deputy Chair of the Editorial Council and the members of the Editorial Council.

3.7. Membership in the University’s Editorial Council is terminated early in the event of termination of employment, submission of a written resignation by a member of the Editorial Council, etc. Changes in the composition of the Editorial Council are approved by the order of the University’s Rector.

3.8. The Editorial Council carries out its activities during meetings, where it reviews and approves the main areas of activity and work plans, discusses the results of the University’s publishing activities and considers other issues related to the performance of its assigned functions.

3.9. Meetings of the Editorial Council are convened as needed, but no less than once a year.

3.10. A meeting of the Editorial Council is considered valid if at least half of its members are present. Decisions on agenda items are made by open voting on each proposal, with a majority vote of the members present at the meeting. Meetings of the Editorial Council are recorded in the minutes, which are signed by the Chair and come into effect from the date of their signing.

3.11. Academic staff of the University who are not permanent members of the Editorial Council may be invited to participate in meetings as experts on a voluntary basis, when necessary.


4.1. The Editorial Council is entitled to:

4.1.1. Receive the information necessary for its work from academic departments and other University units.

4.1.2. Propose initiatives for the development of publishing activities and the formation of the University’s publishing policy.

4.1.3. Engage the University’s academic staff as experts in the work of the Editorial Council.

4.1.4. Recommend the inclusion of manuscripts in the publishing plan if they were not initially scheduled in the approved plans.

4.1.5. Recommend the exclusion of manuscripts from the publishing plan if they do not meet the required academic or educational standards.

4.1.6. Delegate its representatives to participate in meetings of the Academic Council of the University and in working meetings of academic staff when publishing activities are discussed.

4.1.7. Nominate authors, reviewers, editorial board members and the most distinguished University staff involved in publishing activities for recognition and rewards.

4.2. Members of the Editorial Council are obligated to fulfil the tasks assigned to them in accordance with the main areas of work outlined in this Regulation.


5.1. The responsibility of the members of the Editorial Council for the organisation and the results of their work is determined in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine.


6.1. In its work, the Editorial Council collaborates with the Scientific and Methodological Councils of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, scientific councils of higher education institutions in Ukraine and abroad, the Academic Council of the University, the heads of the University departments, the scientific library, the Commission on Publication Ethics, the Committee for the Quality of Academic Standards and the editorial boards of academic journals.

6.2. The Editorial Council may establish connections with other scientific organisations and editorial boards of other higher education institutions and participate in conferences and seminars dedicated to publishing activities.
