A. Mahdich
Democratization and economic growth: theoretical aspect
S. Kuzminov
Brief political and economic definition of fascism
O. Silantyev
Material wealth in category of goods value and utility for actors in modern economic relations
T. Korolyuk
Structural risks of public debt and default prevention policy in Ukraine
S. Kafka
The non-financial non current assets: assessment and reporting
S. Kuznetsova, V. Varenyk, N. Hulevich
Early warning and response system as a means of improving the financial sustainability of a small enterprise
R. Bezus, S. Burtak
Formation the system of lobby and advocacy of the organic production
H. Ryzhkova, N. Ryzun
Youth employment issues in the context of professional education deficiencies
L. Bukharina, D. Tytarchuk
Forming an effective energy saving policy of industrial enterprise
Y. Parshin
Quantitative estimation model of the economic development unevenness of the national economy
O. Sakno, O. Lysyi, V. Kosarev
Simulation of management of the technical state of trains for the autoenterprise on basis of qualimetry model
S. Kholod
Comparative analysis of investment attractiveness during transformation of the economic system
T. Vakarchuk
Modified model of economic growth that takes into account the possibility of state regulation
O. Zadoia
Foreign trade of Ukraine: modern scales, structure and tendencies
Iu. Khvatov
French economy: the stages of development and analysis of the current development trends
A. Palladin
The EU projects and institutional changes in Ukraine