Target installations for the implementation of the state policy of savings transformation in investments regulation.
DOI 10.32342/2074-5354-2017-1-46-1
Silantyev O.
Contemporary theoretical and methodological approaches to interpretation the development potential of macroeconomic systems.
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Varenyk V., Makotkina O.
Specifics of the tax control in Ukraine: critical analysis and ways of increasing efficiency. DOI 10.32342/2074-5354-2017-1-46-3
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Mechanisms of increasing the level of tax decentralization. DOI 10.32342/2074-5354-2017-1-46-4
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Model of increasing the efficiency of macroeconomic forecasting and revenue planning of the state budget of Ukraine.
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Pavlova V., Parshyna O.
Business processes management of enterprise with the use of the modern analytical technologies.
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Kramarenko G., Kostyuk M.
Object-oriented approach to development of models for estimation of potential of development of machine-building enterprises.
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Pikalov V., Glukha G.
About some problems of modern top-manager preparation for subjects of economic activity. DOI 10.32342/2074-5354-2017-1-46-8
Yarmolenko L., Chumak T.
Improvement of inventory management system for distributing company. DOI 10.32342/2074-5354-2017-1-46-9
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International integration and dezintegration processes: supplementary consequences. DOI 10.32342/2074-5354-2017-1-46-10
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An institutional framework for economic development in Ukraine. DOI 10.32342/2074-5354-2017-1-46-11