A. Afonin
How to create a clear practical model of a social market economy?
N. Kutsmus
Theoretical and methodological basis of gender studies in economics
G. Glukha
Globalization and the economic growth
B. Demyanchuk, V. Коsаrеv
Principal model of system operation for investment in regional development
V. Varenik
Monetary flow management policy in the economy of Ukraine
M. Vakulich
Organizationally-economic mechanism of government control of investment climate
P. Atamas, O. Atamas
Profit: the economic sense, problems of definition and account display
P. Gudz, I. Skorobogata
Evaluation effectiveness of nonprofit organizations
O. Vinichenko
The implementation of regulatory aspects in the process of land fee by business enterprises
T. Mishustina
The staff loyalty as a basis for management of corporate trademark of industrial enterprise
Y. Taranenko, E. Kholod, A. Zarubin
Optimization methods and the informational technologies in modeling of business
N. Vaschenko
Substantiation of the concept of the enterprise development management
I. Azhaman
Methodological support for determining the need for the building objects in rural area
O. Kuzmenko
Organizational and economic mechanism of enterprise resource potential strategic management
V. Pikalov
About the problems of management by the talented workers of subjects of economic activity
O. Votchenikova
Strategic aspects of management of the enterprises of the tourism industry
I. Vlasova
Global venture capital investment market: state and development trends
N. Nesprava
Historical and cultural bases of the economic integration (on example Western European countries)
L. Fedulova
Formation of regional innovation systems in the context of the principles of European innovation policy