Academy review                      



S. Kuz’minov, S.Geraschenko
On the issue of «long- wave» diagnostics

V. Zinchenko
Deliberative models of managerial processes under the conditions of economic transformations

O. Chorna, G. Shypitsina, 
Notion «capital» and its economic essence

K. Gafarova
European social standards and their implementation in Ukraine


S. Kuznetsova
Effective system of financial management formation in shaky economy:theory and methodology

T. Bolhar
Ukrainian banks deposit activities: current state and prospects of their development

V. Zykina
Formation of innovative activities by means of venture capital

A. Cherep, V. S’omchenko
The study of labour resources utilization in the industrial sector of Zaporizhia regional economy

V. Tereschenko
The search of quality improvement sources of underwriter’s financialmanagement


V. Pavlova
Trading nets in Ukraine: features and challenges to their development

O. Zborovs’ka
Logistic costs optimization in the system of flow processes management at metallurgical plants

Ya. Nussinova, O. Zhovna
The equity capital stock evaluation on the basis of enterprise current economic state index


D. Kozenkov
Basic requirements for enterprise strategic management system formation

V. Georgiev
Economic script as enterprise management tool

L. Bezmenko
Modeling of system for rating management of enterprise competitiveness

Rozkoshna, M. Goncharova
System of business-process re-engineering: features of its formation


A. Zadoya
Monetary index and foreign economic activity

Wolowiec T.
Barriers in the process of harmonisation of personal income taxation in EU (selected issues)

I. Taranenko, K. Nazarenko
Global experience of venture activity and challenges to venture capital financing in Ukraine

O. Kryuchkova
Socially responsible finances: principles of Islamic model

E. Limonova, O. Nestechenko
Threats and negative results of IT-outsourcing for the Economy of Ukraine
