Academy review                      



A. Zadoia
Value guidelines as the basis for the strategic planning of territory development

S. Kuz’minov
Pension reform in Ukraine: are there any alternatives?

A. Magditch
Evolution of views on the causes of economic cycles

I. Shul’ga
Enterprise economic security as economic category

N. Samchenko
Systemology and study concepts of structural and functional connections


S. Kuznetsova
Concept of the financial management synergy development under the «economic knowledge» settling process

I. Bershads’ka
Markovits’s model as the basis for the formation of the efficient investment portfolio algorithm

O. Nussinova
Financial and economic indicators of enterprise security constituents

G. Omelchenko
Capitalization as the major component of banking institution financial stability


V. Pavlova, L. Garmider
Enterprise specific characteristics and development strategy of human resources potential: theoretical aspects and their interdependence

P. Sokurenko, V. Valikov, T. Tsyba,
Adaptation of enterprise strategic development to the world ecosystem in compliance with modern trends of economic growth

I. Izvyekova, Yu. Raspopova, G. Korol’
Motivation at machine building plants and its informational support

M. Usyk
Nature and structure of innovation potential at engineering company

A. Yeremiya
Principal concepts and functions of amortization

E. Butin, V. Lysiuk, S. Azhnakin
Principles of complying energy saving level at housing and communal services with the world standards

S. Dubins’kiy
Strategy of introducing personnel outsourcing system at enterprise

L. Bezmenko
The improvement of economic diagnostics indicator system of enterprise commercial activities

L. Alekperova
Agricultural sector labour force: state control and ways of its reproduction


K. Uschapovskiy, Yu. Kostin
Integrated program of methods for the formation of staff motivation at the power industry enterprises under crisis conditions

A. Piven’
The use of structural modeling to increase economic-mathematical forecasting models of probability of enterprise bankruptcy

A. Vakulich, I. Kurinna, O. Harkuta
The main trends and detergent market development forecast in Ukraine

V. Orlova, L. Gonchar
Competitive advantages: the interconnection of market description and levels of management


I. Taranenko
Factors that provide countries innovative competitiveness in global economic system

M. Kostromskoy
The investment policy of the NAFTA member-countries

Kosyakina O.A.
Foreign portfolio investments and capital outflow under the conditions of external economic liberalization in Ukraine
